Monday, 17 June 2013

Father's Day spotlight on giraffe dad, Raph G. Neckmann - and a secret!!

If you look closely at me, you will see that I have several giraffes painted onto my body. These giraffes are my closest friends from my home planet Giraffe World. I thought I would introduce you to them! First of all we have Raph G. Neckmann.
Raph G. Neckmann
Giraffe dad Raph G. Neckmann - Ingrid Sylvestre
Giraffe dad, Raph G. Neckmann
Giraffe dad, Raph, is a mild, rather absent-minded person who takes the teasing of his family in good humour. He worked for 17 years as an accountant with Storey & Tawle in Raffsburgh before setting up a family business, Giraffe World Tours. You can read all about this in 'The Escape of a Giraffe Accountant'!

Giraffe Raph G. Neckmann reading the paper - Ingrid Sylvestre
Raph reading the paper
Raph loves to drink tea while reading the paper in peace. He often wears the tea cosy on his head so he can't hear his daughters Nexi and Necky Becky squabbling!

Giraffes Raph & Maureen dancing - Ingrid Sylvestre
Raph & Maureen dancing
Raph is married to Maureen Treeging and they love dancing. You can see them dancing on my left side!
Giraffes Raph G. Neckmann and Maureen Treeging at Colchester Zoo
Raph & Maureen painted on my side
Would you like to know a big secret? 
When there are no humans around, the characters on my sides come to life, emerging from the paint to have nexciting adventures! You can see Raph and Maureen on the picture below, having left their painted place they are riding on my back through time and space!
Raph & Maureen riding on my back through time and space
Yesterday was Father's Day in the UK on planet Earth. During the night, when there were no humans around at Clacton Factory Outlet, all the giraffes painted on me came alive for a wonderful party! We played hide and seek among the shops, followed by other party games and a glorious feast. Oh what fun we all had!
