Fun Stuff!

I'm glad I remembered to pack my toothbrush!
High Altitude Toothpaste - giraffe painting - Ingrid Sylvestre
High Altitude Toothpaste!

Enjoying catching up on all the Giraffe Gossip back at Colchester Zoo!
Nextra-terrestrial giraffe with all Stand Tall giraffe friends at Colchester Zoo
Nextra-terrestrial with all Stand Tall giraffe friends at Colchester Zoo

Special Party on my last night at Clacton Outlet!

Nestra-terrestrial giraffe party - Clacton Outlet - Ingrid Sylvestre - Stand Tall for Giraffes
Nextra-terrestrial giraffe party - last night of my stay at Clacton Factory Outlet
Please click on photos to enlarge

Me posing with Heart Radio and Dream 100 Radio, Essex, at Clacton Factory Outlet!
Nextra-terrestrial giraffe with Heart Radio, at Clacton Factory Outlet

Nextra-terrestrial with Dream 100 Radio at Clacton Factory Outlet


Nextra-terrestrial giraffe artist Ingrid Sylvestre wearing Stand Tall for Giraffes at Colchester Zoo necklace
My human artist Ingrid proudly wearing her 'Stand Tall for Giraffes at Colchester Zoo' keyring - round her neck!

One of our Giraffe World pears from Camelopardalis Constellation!

Click on the image to enlarge, right click View Image and enlarge again!


Giraffe Snowflake!