Look closely at the giraffe characters painted on me! |
If you look at me closely you will see that there are several giraffe
characters painted on me - and a tall house on a knoll! These are the
Neckmann family - some of my closest friends on my home planet, Giraffe
World. Necky Knoll House is their home and 'Stick your neck out for your
dreams!' is their motto.
The Neckmann family and friends partying outside Necky Knoll House |
Raph G. Neckmann and Maureen Treeging
Giraffe Dad, Raph G. Neckmann 'The Escape of a Giraffe Accountant'! |
Giraffe dad, Raph, is a mild, rather absent-minded person who takes the
teasing of his family in good humour. He worked for 17 years as an
accountant with Storey & Tawle in Raffsburgh before setting up a
family business, Giraffe World Tours. You can read all about this in
'The Escape of a Giraffe Accountant'!
Raph G. Neckmann reading the paper with the teacosy on his head so he can't hear his daughters squabbling! |
Raph loves to drink tea while reading the
paper in peace. He often wears the tea cosy on his head so he can't hear
his daughters Nexi and Necky Becky squabbling!
Raph often gets new business ideas, but the family don't think they're great! |
Parents Raph G. Neckmann & Maureen Treeging love to dance |
Raph is married to Maureen Treeging and they both love dancing. You can see them dancing on my left side!
Raph and Maureen dancing as seen painted on my side
Maureen Treeging writing at her favourite desk |
Maureen is quite different from Raph in personality. She is very
organized, tranquil and elegant and good at sorting out the muddles Raph
gets into! She spends her spare time sitting writing at her favourite
Maureen looking at wild four-legged giraffes from the window of the Giraffe World Tours bus |
Maureen has a special empathy with the four-legged wild giraffes of Giraffe World.
Raph & Maureen love to walk in The Forest |
Maureen & Raph love to walk through The Forest, which is situated beyond the Knolls surrounding Necky Knoll House.
Necky Becky
Middle child Necky Becky with her neckshund dog, Hals |
Middle child Necky Becky is a great favourite with the humans! She is a
feisty little rebel whose constant companion is her beloved neckshund
dog, Hals. Have you noticed that she is pink? She decided that because
it is her favourite colour, she would dye her fur pink!
Necky Becky does not like to eat sprouts! |
Most of the giraffes of Giraffe World adore sprouts - Necky Becky does not - and tells everyone so in no uncertain terms!
Necky Becky hoists her dog Hals up to her attic room! |
Her bedroom is in the attic of Necky Knoll House, and no-one else is
allowed up there! She built a little hoist with a fabric sling to get
Hals her neckshund dog up into her room.
Necky Becky and her neckshund dog nexploring in the Mountains |
Necky Becky and Hals enjoy nexploring. Here they are high up in the
Mountains of Giraffe World. You can see the family bus far down below.
Necky Becky loves to go diving in the oceans of Giraffe World |
The oceans of Giraffe World are teeming with wonderful giraffified sea
creatures. Necky Becky loves to go diving and see them all.
Necky Becky & Hals at the Archway Secret Portal, looking down at Necky Knoll House |
There are several Intergalactic Portals via which the Neckmann family
and friends are able to travel between worlds. I, Nextra-terrestrial, am
one of these portals. Here is another, in the form of a Secret Archway
high up in the knolls above Necky Knoll House.
Elder sister Nexi drying her mane |
The oldest child of the Neckmann family is Nexi. She is at college in
Raffsburgh studying fashion and interior design. She is totally mad
about clothes and accessories, and likes to redecorate all the rooms in
Necky Knoll House too! Here she is drying her mane with a giraffe
long-necked hairdryer.
Nexi skating with her boyfriend Neko |
Nexi has a boyfriend called Neko. He is at music college in Raffsburgh
and is the lead guitar and vocalist in giraffe band The Stiffnex. Nexi
and Neko love skating.
Nexi and her boyfriend Neko as painted on my front |
Littl' Nicky
Toddler Littl' Nicky brushing his teeth |
Toddler Littl' Nicky is the youngest Neckmann child. He is quite a
philosopher and frequently comes out with nexceptionally wise comments
for someone so young!
Littl' Nicky likes to make philosophical comments while sitting on his high chair |
Our furniture in Giraffe World is designed for maximum comfort and convenience for our long necks.
Littl' Nicky loves to go for walks with his dad, Raph, especially to post letters |
Littl' Nicky loves to go for walks with his dad, Raph. Here he is posting a letter in one of our Giraffe World post boxes.
You can see the giraffe postbox here in Neckelchester Village |
Neckelchester Village is situated just down
the road from Necky Knoll House, and is ideal for the Neckmann family to
do their shopping.
Uncle Girth, proprietor of the Gleeful & Greedy Restaurant in Neckelchester |
Uncle Girth is the proprietor of the Gleeful & Greedy Restaurant.
You can see him in the picture of Neckelchester Village standing at the
door with a pan of custard (another favourite food of we giraffes!)
Above and below he is standing with one of his huge home made cakes.
Girth as painted on my side |
Nexi's boyfriend Neko, lead guitar and vocals in The Stiffnex band |
Nexi's boyfriend Neko plays lead guitar and sings with giraffe band The
Stiffnex. Sometimes he lets Necky Becky sing with them too!
You can watch a video of them performing
'Be Who You Wanna Be!' from Raphs blog!
Sgruff, bass player in The Stiffnex |
Sgruff plays bass guitar with The Stiffnex and is a trainee hairdresser by day.
Nukkle, drummer in The Stiffnex, and plumber by day |
Drummer Nukkle looks like a real toughie, but has a heart of gold. He is
an apprentice plumber at the A.F.F. Gas works, and often gets his
spanners and drumsticks mixed up!
A story about Nukkle's favourite sandwich! |
Nukkles' favourite sandwich is the Giroffimo, about which there is a special and amusing story!
Knitting Neckwarmers at Necky Knoll House |
Nukkle is also a very good knitter, (using his drumsticks!). You can see
him above, knitting neckwarmers at Necky Knoll House with the family.
The giraffodils around my feet |
I really should tell you about the giraffodils you can see around my
feet! Giraffodils are some of our favourite flowers in Giraffe World -
very similar to your daffodils on planet Earth.
Raph enjoying the spring giraffodils |
Above you can see Raph enjoying the beautiful scent of a large bunch of giraffodils.
Giraffodils outside Necky Knoll House in April showers |
In the spring there are many giraffodils growing around Necky Knoll
House, watered abundantly by the April showers. The spring foliage is
just starting to appear on the trees on top of the Knolls.
Necky Knoll House and beyond
Necky Knoll House in summer as painted on my neck! |
You can see Necky Knoll House painted on my neck! The trees are in
summer foliage, and there is a wonderfully colourful evening sky with
the moon and stars coming out. The house is three storeys high, with
Necky Becky's attic on top, with the small square window.
Necky Knoll House in winter |
In winter the slopes of the Knolls are great for sledging, and we have great outdoor parties!
Sometimes the snow gets very deep - it's a good job we giraffes have long necks! |
Raph & Littl' Nicky looking at a Giraffe World robin in the garden at Necky Knoll House |
Our wildlife is all 'giraffified', even our birds. Raph is taking Littl' Nicky on a winter tour of the garden.
There are some aspects of gardening that Raph does not enjoy! |
Those vast sloping lawns at Necky Knoll House take a lot of mowing!
Sunflower growing at the the back of Necky Knoll House |
Growing sunflowers is fun, and ours in Giraffe World are nexceptionally tall!
Our Giraffe World utensils are all designed to suit our long necks - here is one of the bathrooms at Necky Knoll House |
Our furniture, fittings and utensils are all designed to suit our long
necks. Can you see all the giraffe-friendly items in this bathroom at
Necky Knoll House?
Nexploring Giraffe World
The Path to Adventure winds between the Knolls to The Forest painted on my back! |
The Neckmann family love to nexplore! You can see painted on my back the
nexciting Path to Adventure winding between the Knolls to the distant
mysterious Forest.
The Giraffe World Tours bus travelling through The Forest |
The Neckmann family run a business called Giraffe World Tours, for which they own a lovely blue bus.
The Neckmanns travel to all kinds of interesting places in Giraffe World on their bus |
Here they have driven to the far North of Giraffe World - quite a nexpedition!
Intergalactic Travel
Raph likes to travel even further than Giraffe World - here he looks at Planet Earth through his telescope |
Raph loves to look through his telescope and imagine travelling to
distant planets and other world. Here he is looking at your Planet
Giraffes travel through the Secret Portal behind the Intergalactic Cacti! |
As well as the Archway Portal, our world has the Secret Portal behind
the Intergalactic Cacti, through which the giraffes can travel to other
world by their chosen methods of transport!
Necky Becky & Littl' Nicky by the Secret Portal behind the Intergalactic Cacti |
Necky Becky and Littl' Nicky have just climbed out of the portal behind the Intergalactic Cacti and are ready to nexplore.
I am another travelling Intergalactic Portal for the giraffes of Giraffe World! |
I, Nextra-terrestrial am also a secret Intergalactic Portal, upon whom
the giraffe family travel between worlds. In the picture above you can
see me travelling through space. The giraffes painted on me have come
alive and are enjoying their adventure!